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There are several steps you need to take to get a second passport. We, the World Passport team, have made it easier for anyone to buy a passport online.
Here’s exactly how to do it
Start by choosing the country you want to move to. Your decision should be based on what you want to achieve with your second passport, such as good healthcare, visa-free travel, tax benefits, better living conditions, the length of time it will take to obtain the passport, and the cost of acquiring the passport or citizenship.
Then make sure you meet the eligibility criteria, which usually includes being over 18 years old.
The next step is to apply for a passport online at World Passport. Here, obtaining a second passport is relatively inexpensive and you can also apply for family members who meet the criteria.
Buy Pass Online
Who we are and why you should choose us
We are a team of specialists who have worked at various levels of document production with companies both locally and globally. We, the World Passport Team, have made it easier for anyone to buy a passport online.
We are specialized at every level in our service chain. From our customer service representatives, who are available every day, to our experts in the production department, including geniuses in biometric security systems and database specialists. Our contacts also include diplomatic channels, which are used to register genuine documents in various government databases when necessary.
In addition, we have a unique network of logistics experts who ensure that our shipments arrive safely at their final destination. It is our pleasure to serve you.